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Rush skeletonweed flowers photo credit BISS.JPG
  • Perennial grows up to 1.3 metres tall

  • Many wiry branching stems

  • Introduced from southern Europe

Rush skeletonweed plant photo credit BISS.JPG

Rush skeletonweed
(Chondrilla juncea)

Quick Identification

  • Many branching, smooth, wiry stem with downward hairs near the base

  • Few to no leaves on the stem

  • Rosette leaves and leave near the base of the mature plant are dandelion-like with irregular teeth pointing back toward the base if the plant.

  • Small yellow flowers

Reduced forage for wildlife and livestock. The latex produced by plant can interfere with crop harvesting.

An extensive rooting system makes manual removal ineffective. Effective herbicides are available.

Small yellow flowers are notched at the end of the petals.

Leaves & Stems
The plant starts as a rosette which resembles a dandelion. The plant grows into a many branching stalk. Few to no leaves give the skeleton-like appearance.  The leave of at the base of plant wither by the time of flowering.

Rush skeletonweed seed photo credit BISS.JPG

A deep taproot with lateral roots and rhizomes.

Reproduction & Dispersal
The plant spreads by rhizomes, root buds, and seeds. Seeds are spread by wind, water, animals, and humans.


Seeds are produced asexually.  A single plant can produce 15,000 to 20,000 seeds which are topped by a pappus allowing for wind dispersal.

Preferred Habitat
Plants can grow in wet and dry conditions. Areas with cold winters and warm summer without severe drought are ideal.

Interesting Facts
Also known as gum succory, devil's-grass, naked weed, and hog-bite.

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